Thursday, June 18, 2009


We all have dreams. Some have us laughing in our sleep and others make us cry, but then there are those that we wake from in a cold sweat wondering if it was real.. This is one of those dreams.

I'm at a friends house blogging about "The Realness of people Celeb vs Non" and my boys, practically begging, want to go out. Now I wasn't familiar with the area but it was a nice place to play so I say go ahead but I'm coming out with you. The big boys scurry along and I'm right behind them with my 5 year old. So we're playing and my big boys Say they want to go to the park across the way. I look to see how far it was.. Hmmmm not very far so i say OK but lil man stays with me.. I yell out to the big ones IT LOOKS LIKE RAIN! Big boys gone lil man decides he wants to go too.. okay we head to the park and right before we cross it pours.. So much so fast it immediately began to flood! My baby and I were stuck in the middle with cars sliding pass us I try to run back clutching him tightly in my arms..Suddenly I hear a crash and I see the tail end of a Mack truck sliding our first thought is my baby he's screaming MOMMY!! Out of breath I reach a fence and pray it doesn't hit us then CRASSH! Another car hits it, changing the direction.. My mind races Where are the others?? The water level rises even more and the once beautiful landscape became a Heep of mud and broken tree limbs... I'm confused, everything looks different, can't find my friends place but we have to go on... I put my son on my back HOLD ON TIGHT! I tell him. Climbing up mudslides trying to get away from the water, trying to get my baby safe... We reach the top of a building which had a narrow walk over to the next.. The decision try to walk it with him or jump? Picturing both first ended the same.. Then... I Wake Up....