Monday, July 27, 2009


Ok, so I've been reading every guys update on the Kelis Vs. Nas thing. You know the $55,000 Nas is suppose to pay every month for the next 18 years. I must first apologize for what I'm about to say but DAMN MA WHY IT GOTTA BE LIKE THAT!!!! I know there were some indiscretion on his part so you say, but taking a man to the cleaners like that is not going to stop the hurt! It's not going to fill that void you might have! I understand the "Make Him Pay" mentality but what does it do for that child? He will grow to be a man won't he? And whose to say he doesn't make the same mistake his Daddy did? Will you side with him (your blood) or the woman? Real talk! Will you tell her "Take him for all that he's got baby"! Or will you say "Look he made a mistake or two or even three, you might not forgive but he's only Human". Have you even thought to yourself that he might not be able to pay that amount for the next 18 years? What then? Where do we as women draw the line? Being a woman scorned can bring out the complete B*TCH in us. And being a woman myself I can say that that part of us is completely irrational and makes decisions based on our emotional state only. Now if you can say otherwise, then that my dear would be considered a plan and if that's the case that would make you as bad as the other Gold digging B*tches that sleep with celebs just to get knocked up and take them for all they have! Don't get me wrong now I Love her music just like so many others. But being the woman that I am I just can't help but wonder why? I mean that was straight RAW NO GREASE!

What do you think? Would you do the same thing? Or would you see the bigger picture? Seriously.
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