Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Historical Time....

Living here in DC for most of my life i've seen many Inaugural Ceremonies. Some that have bought this country great success and some that have bought it nothing but heartache and poverty. But this years Inauguration seems to bring us hope of a different color. You see for me, the Swear In Ceremony means much more than what's instore for our ecomony. It means much more that just having a "Black" President. It means my son's can now say with pride "I can do and be anything as a man of color"! For them it shows how hard work and determination can surpass anything anyone has ever said could and would never be done. It shows that we as a people have more chances that not to live out our dreams, to be somebody ( taking those words from Dr. Martin Luther King himself). So you see for my family we celebrate for the possiblities of our future and that of our children's future. Who knows, maybe some day My Son will be President......It's possible.

1 comment:

phoenix mnfn jones said...

Kudos. All children should learn from Barack's legacy and reach for the stars.