Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The last four days of my life as been one of inspiration and empowerment. It took me out of my comfort zone and bought to a place that I have never been before. You see we as women often time hear about other woman going through traumatic experiences of abuse and think to ourselves how bad it must have been for that person/persons to have experienced that. Well I had the opportunity to come face to face with some of the survivors of such experiences. Not in the way some of you might think. I was blessed to be apart of something that is proactive and to train as an Instructor.. R.A.D (Rape Aggression Defense System). A system that gives woman the knowledge and skill to protect themselves. I mean I don't know about you but I know there are a lot of woman in the world wondering if.. What if? What would/can I do if I were put a situation where my safety was in jeopardy? The R.A.D. Systems program pulled out all the stops and gear to make it real for us. Even had huge men padded up as Aggressors (bad guys) for us to use the skills and knowledge we'd just learned to the test. And it worked! I've never seen so many woman with one main goal and determined to achieve it! That goal "I Will Survive"! It was amazing!!!

Oh and by the way my daughter will be attending R.A.D for Kids next year because it's never to early to teach her how to ensure her safety. There are too many parents not preparing there children, especially their daughters for the real world!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed

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